We had two great camps this year, a muzzle loader and the a rifle weekend. It was wonderful to see some hunters we hadn't seen for some years (things ARE returning to normal?) and to catch up on family, work, retirement as well as meet some newcomers. As usual, after Friday afternoon's hunt we gather for cocktails and treats around camp and the fire. Main supper will not be served until 8PM after the worlds best chicken wings are prepared and eaten!.
Meal prep below and a finished plate!
Typically venison, with a particularly proprietary wild game sauce, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and a big salad. Healthy, unprocessed, and from the land.
We seat ten at a time.A mix of fall pictures below. I am fond of the flying bird pictures, and of course of the big bucks.
This is the biggest white oak on the farm, and a great hunting spot. Two adults cannot even get their hands close. I should measure this one...
Full, and relaxing.

No deer camp would ever be complete without this.
Some of the bunks are full at
8:30, others at 11PM!
I particularly love this photo. It reminds me of a silly painting I saw somewhere, though I cannot remember what it was.
Pitch black out and a drone chasing this deer!. Flying squirrel?
No decent fall would be complete without wild apples!
We had some several pictures of this buck below. Somehow he lost one. Not uncommon, as every year I have one or two with a severely broken of malformed antler.
Not much to post this winter (we haven't had one) and because of the lack of snow and so much browse, I have not set up a census station. There is no point in these conditions as deer can and will travel miles for corn. It would surely be a flawed number. In any case, I will be posting more often this year and hope you all enjoy! Comments and critique welcomed!
Jack Zeller