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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Long Ridge Deer Camp Catch UP Number Two

This early fall doe is very curious about this mock scrape near the East Plot. I had many different bucks and does visit this scrape. It is the first mock scrape I have EVER had decent results with, and I have learned the secret!
 Just another little guy on feed.
 This is the only picture I got this year of deer shedding velvet. This guy is almost done.
 The two little fellows we have been watching all summer made great growth by September!
 Dec-Jan Annual Long Ridge Deer Census. Plenty survived the season!
 Camp one, early November. Luna the Sheltie standing watch.
 Bruce's delicious sauces always make venison, moose etc. so much better!
 venison stir fries almost as good.
Camp two, and time to bunk in...Kalie, our other Sheltie loves to camp out too!
 Nasty looking coyote up behind the Christmas tree plantation.

 Adam's buck taken during Camp two
 Last camp below saw some snow. We had some great hunts, saw tons of deer and already planning next year.
Comments and questions welcome!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Catching Up With Long Ridge Deer Camp

I have not posted a blog from Long Ridge since September, and there are many reasons for that. But I am now back, and will, in the next four postings, bring you up to date on what's been going on, out fall hunts, and other news... below is a night shot of an owl taking some rodent from the Far Ridge ..Reminds me of the shot I got of a skunk meeting his maker at the hands of a Great Horned some years ago.
 Been following this family of bears all summer, and here in the fall this little guy shows good growth!
 The buck below, and the one right behind him were prime deer camp targets this season! And no, we never got either...
 Another shot, another beauty...
 Tons of deer.
 Here is Mr. tricky again...
 Coyote with deer leg in mouth...I believe a youngster...
 One of the cubs a few months earlier.
 A spar or fight, who knows...The date is just on the cusp.
I will follow this blog with more pictures, and getting to the camp adventures this fall...

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